What do these two ladies have in common?
Well, for starters, they both are looking to take the entertainment Industry by storm. And they both have a thing for dark men (Dark is In! There's still hope!).
Though one relationship is based on pleasure (Kanye & Amber), The other is all business (Dawn & Diddy)... or at least that's what we're told. --Joke.In a new interview with Honey Magazine, we see Dawn's style belt new highs.
I'm guessing she's found her "mojo" because there's a sexy new spark about her as of late. I can't help but think that her "boo" from that band has something to do with it. Kudos to her!
Also, it's nice to see her, finally, shed that Danity Kane skin. After all, She was my favorite of the bunch.
In the article, Dawn is asked a bunch of random questions about her current, and future, career in music. It was a good interview despite her obssesive use with words like "Owww," and "Hunni" after each sentence. I started to feel a little uneasy reading the damn thing. It's like she turned her sassiness up way too much and it began to feel... I dunno.., forced maybe?
Nonetheless, I'm wishing her the best.
New "It Girl," Amber Rose, has taken the lime light by storm as of late. Maybe it's because she's been romantically linked to,
self-obsessed, Kanye West, maybe it's because of her sick style and sexiness, or maybe it's just because she's been romantically linked to Kanye West... Who knows! But regardless of why, she's doesn't seem to have intentions of leaving any time soon. i hear she just signed a contract with Ford Models. That's a good look.
Check out more Amber Rose at Diddy's 4th of July party via Necole Bitchie
Read the article on Dawn and view more pics via Honey Magazine
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kissable Kandy: Dawn Richards & Amber Rose
Verbal Venom: Blogger vs. Rapper
We all say sh*t we don't mean sometimes. That's just The Way It Is (like Keyshia Cole, circa 2006) But at some point of our
Adulthood maturity, we have to realize that words can flow like venom, and burn the hell out of someone's esteem. Now, whether or not that was the goal intended is up to You, --but --regardless of the fact, it's not a "good look" to walk around saying the first thing that comes to mind. --Tame your tongue.
Case & Point: Perez Hilton ("Queen" of Media) vs. will.i.am (Black Eyed Peas
(Cues in Bell and Announcer: "Let's get reeeadddyyy..." )
Everyone knows Perez Hilton as the big mouth, obnoxious, sh*t talking blogger he has grown (or shrunk.. have you seen him lately? 1-800-Jenny much?) to become. With that being said, it should come as know secret that he is not liked by many of Celebrity status.
Following so far? ...
Now, will.i.am, is known as 1/3 of pop-hop (pop&hip-hop, I guess) group the Black Eyed Peas. (Though he attempted to go solo-dolo, but that's another story for another blog)
He's also produced for many different artists, written songs and yada-yada-yada-boom-boom-pow...
What Happened? Long story Short
Perez was at an industry event.. will.iam was in attendance at the same event... Perez was talkin' sh*t... Perez get's beat down by a.) will.i.am b.) security c.) angry fans d.) Chris Brown
The Answer? Who knows.. Perez says it was will.i.am, then he later goes on to say that it was the Musician's security who applied the beatdown.
However, will.i.am stated that it was the fans who wanted a piece of that ass (pause) And that things got heated when fans overheard Perez and his big mouth. Someone threw a shoe, others threw bleach.. you know how it goes.
The Moral of the story goes as followed: "TAME YOUR TONGUE!"
(For more HILARIOUS commentary on the incident, click here)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Shot in the Dark:
So, over the past 4 years, I've found myself becoming more and more disgusted with the selection "Cupid" has to offer dedicated to the brotherhood of SMS (Single Man Society). However, as of lately, things have become a bit... hazy when dealing with my own insecurities inner thoughts as to why I'm single in the first place.Over the past few days I've been giving my Relationship status some serious thought. (And by thought, I mean, whenever a commercial comes in to interrupt my midnight dose of Nick @ Nite's "The Nanny". Don't judge me...)
As much as I want to say that I enjoy the single life, I gotta admit, there are times where I'll roll over at night and realize that there's nothing there; only pillows barricading the empty space.
But shit, big boy's don't cry, and the only "milk" I've spilled was deliberately done (See. Tweet "Oops")
So, I have no choice but to take it for what it is. Right?
See, it's somewhat of a double-edged sword, only cutting you when you grab the wrong end. Like for instance, on a Saturday night, when you're out with your (insert plural gender here) having the time of your life. The music is reminding you how good you look and how great you feel ('cause you're dancing like you da shit and everyone's watchin'). The drinks have you so far gone, and the (insert gender here) on the opposite side of the bar looks better than anything you've ever tasted in your entire life. So, what do you do? Thank God that you're single and whatever you are about to do will have no moral backlash by the time you sober up (hopefully... smh). --Everyone's happy.
Now what about that following Thursday, when it's pouring down with rain while thunder beats harder than any speaker at (insert club/bar here). Your phone's not ringing, and not one person has bothered to comment on your recent Facebook status declaring your loneliness. You begin to scroll through your recent call log to decide on who to call/text. Maybe you'll text (insert name here)? Then you realize how out of sync their conversation is with your own. Ooh, or what about (insert name here)? Then you remember that they just don't "do it" for you. The problem? You want something fresh, new, and exciting. Someone who you can spend the night with, without coming up with some bogus excuse on why they have to leave early in the morning. (guilty) Someone you can see yourself staying with as long as your schedules allow... That's what you want.
But you'll never get that. Why? Because you're too busy waiting for the next one. The next song, the next drink, the next (insert gender here) standing at the opposite side or the bar. Deep down you're telling yourself that "this might be the one". (Also known as "Grass is Greener Complex")
This might be a shot in the dark, but maybe... just maybe, it's not the one because the last one was. You were just too caught up to realize it.
just a thought.
Spring '04 initiate.